japanese name: tenoh haruka (meaning - distant sky ruler)
english name: amara 
gender: female
height: 5'8
hair: dark blonde
eyes: blue-green
birthday: january 27
age: 16-18
astrological sign: aquarius
boyfriend/girlfriend: michiru (michelle)
school: mugen gakuen high school, juuban high school
hobbies: car racing, piano, arcade games, flirting
sport: track and field
favorite color: gold
favorite food: salad
favorite gemstone: amber
favorite subject: p.e.
least favorite subject: modern japanese
positive traits: mature, charming, independent
negative traits: jealous, arrogant, stern
transformations: sailor uranus
attacks: world shaking, space sword blaster
dislikes: confessions and men
dream: to be a world famous race car driver
best friend: michiru (michelle)
